mIndblOwiNg mUnNaR!

The wEird fiVe fiNgeRed tREe!

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thIs massive treE was standing alone clOse to the gOd of EStatES aS a gUArd tO tHe miGhty lorD aNd loOked quiTe inTEresTing! However much i tried with my camEra i coUldnt gEt the whOle tree in a satisFying sHot...it would be almOst as tall as tEn six foot men stAndiN on tOp oF eAchoTHer!

thE scAry tReE!
thUmb appOsing the other diGitS!

Do not miss the bliss of the Nilgiri Tahrs of Eravikulam National Park in Munnar.Described in the Red book as one of endangered species...